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Been doing that for 37 years now, wake up, feel lousy, so do it anyway, it can be draining but U'd do it again if need be..
Afternoon folks.

It has been so its cooled down and we’ve had rain! Much better. Hate the heat.

Hows your tomatoes doing Helena?
I seem to be in between crops. Lots of greenies plumping up on the vine, but not turning red yet. I do have a grape tomato plant that is starting to develop fruit. Got one with a blush on it so far.
Yes maám you shou;d be getting ready tp put the winter beges in now, I used to plant potatoes for example in early september which is our first month of spring, that way we had nice new potatoes for chtistmas, I had to get the ground ready beforI could planf, so old veges camr out in august and some fertiliser added a couple of weeks before planting..
Morena everyone from a chilly Hawkes Bay, hope you have a good day..
Ahiahi foljs, I hope tiy;re having a good day..

It's a dull cold day here, seems winters having it's final fking, it;s sure playing havoc on my 2 piece back, bring on spring and the warmer weather..
Morena folks, I hope y have a good day..

Got a sunny day here at last so I may go outside soon and get some of Skypn's vit D..
Second wave of tomatoes about to start. I got a pink one today.

Malabar spinach is thriving in with the wildflowers I planted to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

It worked!

[Image: DIFsn.jpg]
Cool pic. Hp-w'd you manage a pink tomato though? :S
Morena folks, hope you have a gppd day..

It's a nice sunny day now we're rid of the -4 degree frost, I may get offlune shortly and go sit in the sun for a while with a coffee and ease up the aches and pains.. :)