
jCodes is the ultimate resource for your Jcink coding needs

Forum Resources
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jCodes has an extensive selection of codes and skins to use on your Jcink board, and requests are always available for new and exciting codes. We welcome users and coders of any platform to become a part of our community.

Friday 1st of November 2019 05:50:29 PM UTC
Highly recommended for ALL your Jcink needs!

Saturday 23rd of February 2019 06:09:28 PM UTC
Cory does some fantastic work and I would totally recommend jCodes for any Jcink powered forum!

Saturday 26th of January 2019 06:12:04 PM UTC
For all your Jcink needs, I totally recommend this place :)

Sunday 20th of January 2019 04:53:47 PM UTC
I'm so happy that Cory is converting our ZetaBoards themes for jCink so that they can still be used by people that loved them on ZB. He has converted many other popular ZB themes and codes as well and even has done requests for other forum platforms.

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