NexAds Sites Roster

The NexAds Roster is a directory listing of subscribers to our NexAds system that have the NexusBar installed. Check out their pages by clicking the View button. A site search is provided to quickly find what you are looking for. A single key word will bring up matching sites. Sign up and get your advertisement working for you today.

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Our Member Sites
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We're a post-Deathly Hallows RPG set in the year 2005. Established in 2003, we offer RP settings that span the various wizarding schools, such as Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Ilvermorny, with additional options for adults.

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Gamers Paradise contains guides, and news for console gamers!

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Forum for PlayStation Gamers To Get Guides, News, & Friends...

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The premiere search engine for all things LGBTQIA+ related!

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ZionFire houses the gallery of ZionFire Banners and a large archive of worship resources.

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We're a gaming/general chat forum.

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A site to learn about all things New Zealand and it's history, we also have a general chat area if you want a good debate or whatever too.

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Boost your traffic with continous visibility thanks to our network of subscribers. NexAds can unleash the power of nexworking for your website!

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We offer over 20 FREE domain extensions to choose from when you bundle a domain name and a hosting plan! Unlimited hosting starting $3.25/mo.