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NexAds beta is here!
01-16-2019, 02:48 AM
Planet Nexus is pleased to announce....
The all new NexAds system has launched!
We are excited to reveal the brand-new, completely re-invented Nexus system. This new system shall now be known as NexAds, and it is the next generation of site networking. Our amazing developer, Skyon Archer, has re-imagined and rewritten our platform from the ground up, making it efficient, powerful, blazing fast and fully responsive.
NexAds takes us far beyond our former forum site limitations. Unlike our previous NexusTree presentation engine, NexAds is available for ANY WEBSITE to use. No matter what your site is, it can have a NexAds page in the new system! One simple registration/login opens the whole system to you. This includes the support forum and your NexAds Control Panel which gives you content and moderation power over your page.
The NexAds system is constructed with Bootstrap responsive design, so it can be used on any device: desktop, mobile phones and tablets.
Similar to NexusTree, your NexAds MyPage will show your welcome pitch, your current blurb and real time statistics. But it does even more. Your comment section is now open to guest comments as well as logged in members of Nexus. Comments will not display on your page until you approve them, allowing you to control what displays publicly on your page.
We've also given you a contact form right on your NexAds page for visitors to directly communicate with you. You can directly link to your contact page on NexAds or use the embed code provided.
Visitors will be engaged in a fun way by the ability to boost your site rating. Since we are Planet Nexus, you will give your boost to a site by launching their boost rocket. Enough boosts can send a site rocketing up to the top of the highest rated sites leaderboard. Your page visitors no longer have to be signed in to give your site a boost, so anyone sent to your page can help you increase your ranking.
NexAds also gives you an array of many sizes of text ads you can configure and display anywhere. These ads are dynamic, which means you can edit the colors and text anytime you wish and the information will update "automagically" wherever you have them installed. There is even a responsive ad style provided.
This is a beta version and we will soon be adding more features, ad options and functionality as we continue the roll out. Your feedback will be important to this process, so please provide us with your experiences with ease of use, function, and any glitches you experience. We want to make the system as intuitive as possible, and your feedback will be an important part of that process. Any questions you have about how things work should be posted in the support forum.
If you are already a support forum member, your control panel account has already been set up for you, so you can give it a try right now. We are looking forward to your feedback. Happy Nexworking!
Here's a bit of a roadmap on how to navigate to your page:
You'll see a new colorful NexAds button in our top menu that is your portal to the system. On first access, existing members may be asked to log in again to connect you to the new system. Guests will have the opportunity to register. Once you are in the system, the NexAds button will take you directly to your control panel.
Additionally, there is a new field in your profile and mini post profile that transports you to your personal NexAds page.
There are also support and system links in the "More" dropdown at the very top of the forum. You can access our FAQ and Statistics pages, and also the Roster of subscriber sites that have set up a page in the NexAds system.
Want to see our Planet Nexus page? Go HERE
If you like what you see, please give us a boost!
[The Nexus system is a script. Remember to disable or whitelist script blockers for your site and for And inform your members as well.]
UPDATE: NexAds is no longer blocked by ad blockers.
![[Image: boostfull.png]](
We are excited to reveal the brand-new, completely re-invented Nexus system. This new system shall now be known as NexAds, and it is the next generation of site networking. Our amazing developer, Skyon Archer, has re-imagined and rewritten our platform from the ground up, making it efficient, powerful, blazing fast and fully responsive.
NexAds takes us far beyond our former forum site limitations. Unlike our previous NexusTree presentation engine, NexAds is available for ANY WEBSITE to use. No matter what your site is, it can have a NexAds page in the new system! One simple registration/login opens the whole system to you. This includes the support forum and your NexAds Control Panel which gives you content and moderation power over your page.
The NexAds system is constructed with Bootstrap responsive design, so it can be used on any device: desktop, mobile phones and tablets.
Similar to NexusTree, your NexAds MyPage will show your welcome pitch, your current blurb and real time statistics. But it does even more. Your comment section is now open to guest comments as well as logged in members of Nexus. Comments will not display on your page until you approve them, allowing you to control what displays publicly on your page.
We've also given you a contact form right on your NexAds page for visitors to directly communicate with you. You can directly link to your contact page on NexAds or use the embed code provided.
Visitors will be engaged in a fun way by the ability to boost your site rating. Since we are Planet Nexus, you will give your boost to a site by launching their boost rocket. Enough boosts can send a site rocketing up to the top of the highest rated sites leaderboard. Your page visitors no longer have to be signed in to give your site a boost, so anyone sent to your page can help you increase your ranking.
NexAds also gives you an array of many sizes of text ads you can configure and display anywhere. These ads are dynamic, which means you can edit the colors and text anytime you wish and the information will update "automagically" wherever you have them installed. There is even a responsive ad style provided.
This is a beta version and we will soon be adding more features, ad options and functionality as we continue the roll out. Your feedback will be important to this process, so please provide us with your experiences with ease of use, function, and any glitches you experience. We want to make the system as intuitive as possible, and your feedback will be an important part of that process. Any questions you have about how things work should be posted in the support forum.
If you are already a support forum member, your control panel account has already been set up for you, so you can give it a try right now. We are looking forward to your feedback. Happy Nexworking!
Here's a bit of a roadmap on how to navigate to your page:
You'll see a new colorful NexAds button in our top menu that is your portal to the system. On first access, existing members may be asked to log in again to connect you to the new system. Guests will have the opportunity to register. Once you are in the system, the NexAds button will take you directly to your control panel.
Additionally, there is a new field in your profile and mini post profile that transports you to your personal NexAds page.
There are also support and system links in the "More" dropdown at the very top of the forum. You can access our FAQ and Statistics pages, and also the Roster of subscriber sites that have set up a page in the NexAds system.
Want to see our Planet Nexus page? Go HERE
If you like what you see, please give us a boost!
[The Nexus system is a script. Remember to disable or whitelist script blockers for your site and for And inform your members as well.]
UPDATE: NexAds is no longer blocked by ad blockers.
![[Image: I1mX7.png]](
![[Image: bMr7N.png]](
01-16-2019, 09:54 AM
That sounds good but, as a member already, I can't find anywhere to submit my forum. Could you assist please? I'm dying to try this out, and have been for months D:
01-16-2019, 10:39 AM
Top left side of submenu, the first link goes to . . .
01-16-2019, 02:03 PM
I see it, but I can't do anything else beyond it, and not even the Register or Log-In buttons help (as I'm already a member and signed-in).
01-16-2019, 02:45 PM
When you visit what is displayed on the page?
Did you try logging out and back in again? (and maybe clear your cookies for the site as well).
Did you try logging out and back in again? (and maybe clear your cookies for the site as well).
01-16-2019, 03:22 PM
Did you try logging out and back in again? (and maybe clear your cookies for the site as well).
I added some navigation helps to the first topic. Thanks for asking that question.
I added some navigation helps to the first topic. Thanks for asking that question.

![[Image: I1mX7.png]](
![[Image: bMr7N.png]](
01-16-2019, 04:17 PM
That did the trick... just submitted my forum there and in the middle of sticking the associated NexAds bar too (but as a Webpage Maker key, so that it appears "global" so that I don't need to manually plaster it on all skins I have. I'm still learning it though).
Also, though I am obviously logged back in, I don't see myself logged back on the forum under Firefox (but I am for Pale Moon). What happened there?
One other thing...
Also, though I am obviously logged back in, I don't see myself logged back on the forum under Firefox (but I am for Pale Moon). What happened there?
One other thing...
Quote:At a minimum, you must place the above code before the closing </body> tag of your website, forum or blog.What does this mean? Before the tag itself? I did that but the Ad Code isn't showing up, either as Webpage Maker key or code itself. Help is much needed... again.
01-16-2019, 04:43 PM
FireFox required another login for me. PaleMoon just dealt with it. Maybe go ahead and login on FireFox now. Hopefully things will unconfuse once new cookies are established.
We'll have to figure out where the code should be placed in Jcink templates. It looks like it needs to go in the wrappers for each skin right above:
I see your page, it looks like you need to add your site name and select your genre.
Genre selection is located in the
"Your Ad Information" section, accessed by the "My Ad" button ( green button in the submenu of the NexAds CP).
We'll have to figure out where the code should be placed in Jcink templates. It looks like it needs to go in the wrappers for each skin right above:
I see your page, it looks like you need to add your site name and select your genre.
Genre selection is located in the
"Your Ad Information" section, accessed by the "My Ad" button ( green button in the submenu of the NexAds CP).
![[Image: I1mX7.png]](
![[Image: bMr7N.png]](
01-16-2019, 04:50 PM
I did add it in when I first made the NexAd but I did reselect the genre, and that the site name was still intact, so how come you couldn't see it first time? Also, I still can't log in to the forum under Firefox and I did this like four times.
01-16-2019, 04:54 PM
Could it be that you did not submit the edits? Sometimes I forget to do that.
I think Archer will have to troubleshoot this for you. My guess is that it is related to the pre-set up done for the members already registered here on the support forum. I'm sure he will be able to sort it out quickly later today when he is back online.
Thank you for pursuing this even though you are having some problems. It is really going to help us refine the system. Ah the joys of beta!
Your banner area is working properly. I do see your genre icon appearing now, but the genre search activated by clicking the genre icon is coming up empty. Your site should be included in that search result. Your site is now coming up in the genre search. It's working!
(Don't be surprised if Archer tries to convince to switch your browser to Chrome. Everything is working flawlessly there. We apparently need more testing and tweaking on other browsers. The reality is that the NexAds system optimizes all the latest web coding improvements and some older browser versions may not deal with them well.)
I think Archer will have to troubleshoot this for you. My guess is that it is related to the pre-set up done for the members already registered here on the support forum. I'm sure he will be able to sort it out quickly later today when he is back online.
Thank you for pursuing this even though you are having some problems. It is really going to help us refine the system. Ah the joys of beta!
Your banner area is working properly. I do see your genre icon appearing now, but the genre search activated by clicking the genre icon is coming up empty. Your site should be included in that search result. Your site is now coming up in the genre search. It's working!
(Don't be surprised if Archer tries to convince to switch your browser to Chrome. Everything is working flawlessly there. We apparently need more testing and tweaking on other browsers. The reality is that the NexAds system optimizes all the latest web coding improvements and some older browser versions may not deal with them well.)
![[Image: I1mX7.png]](
![[Image: bMr7N.png]](
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