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Getting right sick of habing a mossion of a job getting in here, couldn;t get anywhere near the pkace gor the past few days and my inks right to here..
The link not working as it should?
Had quite a few alreadu while waiting for an answer, but then it's work hard, play hard, party hard here..
sots in the corner and starts drinking
That worked, ir's also the same one I havw as a bookmaek.. LS
I got on at last, been trying all day, all I ge is th links at tge yop of the page, the address bar message is abov, got that and error messages on the page again..
Nice, new roof, I gope the bank avvpunts looking hea;thy at present though..
Got the above in the address bar this morning after clicking the bookmark to get me to the index page, I tried 6 times to get in, each time the page was a mess, it was...
^Goes off fir a nap while wating for SA
This is in the address bar when I try logging into the main forum page on a cleared browser, once I've got onto the main page for the forst time each day ...
Gad to hit the enter key after hetting the above in the address bar, I cleared the browser, did a disc cleab and defrag lasr night just befire I tirned ...
Will do next time it happens.. Had to click my bookark then hit the ernter key to get in just now, that was on a clean browser too..
Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.
And again, different to above..
Morena folks, I hope you have a good day..
Seems the aboves being igmored.. :S
Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.
This and more is what I gor rgus time, I usually only get it wth a clear browser and haben't visited here since ckearing the browser..
We know, this isn't the page you wanted to see...
My first atempt at grtting om here..
Morena foljs, I hope you have a good day..
Still having problems getting in here, got the page cacan't be liaded part way through getting it, then got an error page I gad to git the enter button to g...
yes, had provlems loading the site ever sinve we moved, I clear my browser every night, if I come in the fokkiwing morning it's click the bookmark then click an enter tab on screen to gett in here, ha...
Talk to yaself Sandy.. :S