Photo by Alexander Jawfox

From Zero to Gamer

It’s a cold Canadian Christmas morning in 1996, and after a particularly packed evening prior of cokes and cookies (the alliteration will mostly stop here) I’m up from a mostly restless sleep to use the potty. I say potty here because in 1996 I was admittedly just exiting a bed wetting phase and committing to […]

Photo by Lucas Sankey

Anchoring my Thought-Boat

I’m a horrible planner. Really. And the tough truth about writing is that it’s mostly planning. An interesting title, paragraphs with logical flow, some cleverness, and a tidy ending; just some of the ingredients needed to get from an empty page to a proper blog post! But damn, I’m really horrible at this… The reality […]

Photo by Sergey Zolkin

Online Strangers

Grandpa is going to ramble. Give him a few moments, won’t you? Fine. Thirty-one years on Earth isn’t enough time for me to be a grandfather of anything it’s true. Despite this I can’t help but sit back in my comfy chair from time to time and think about how I ended up here. Not […]